Sunday, November 23, 2008

...Windows Movie Maker...

The assignment we just did was to make a movie using windows movie maker. This software was very easy and well manageable. We had to do a project dealing with advertisement and creativity. Our group chosed language arts and we used Reader Rabbit as our source. This source was really fun to work with but the only problem was we couldnt really see the software because we had to buy it:P. Any ways my group mates were Charity, Hannah, and Byron. Our group really worked hard together in making our project creative and successful. Windows movie maker was very user friendly,it didnt give us much problems and we worked through it like pros.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

**What i liked BEST**..Slideshow softwares..

PRESENTATION DAY! The groups did a job well done and everyone's own was very unique,funny,and interesting. Each software had different transitions and effects. The other software that was being used was way better than ours,which is picture trail, because we didn't have much effects to put in. With our software it wasn't difficult but it made our slide show a slow and we couldn't put songs in it..Honestly, the slide show that interested me the most was group 2. the effects and transitions were so cool and the story was awesome! With this software i think it'll be easy to use because like this group said its easy and they have a lot of effects to choose from. Today every group did a AWESOME JOB and i enjoyed every single one=)

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

09/29/08 Group assignment!lets do the Scavenger Hunt!

The assignment we did today was a picture this scavenger hunt whole ideal. In this assignment we were grouped in to two and Therese Ann was my partner. We had to get our own camera and raced to finish who can find everything in the list. The list had a lot of easy things to find but some were difficult. This assignment was so fun and exciting. Going around the school takin pictures of different things was the fun part of it all. When me and Therese were finish there was already one couple finish so we happened to be second place. This was really fun and i hope we could do more of this! Thanks Mr.Jenkins!

Monday, September 22, 2008

different Web based software 09/22/08

Our assignment today was to go through different web based softwares. Different groups were assigned different softwares to skim through. Our group which happpened to be group one were assigned zoho. The other softwares which were assigned and explained were inetword, thinkfree, and googledocs. going through these softwares was really interesting. Some i found sinple and some I found not really easy to cope with. We then all decide to stick with the best wich is Zoho. Zoho is a really interesting software and its fun,fast, and easy to cope with. Overall, from my experience learning about different softwares caught my attention and I got the idea of each of it.